Monday, June 22, 2015

*Drum Roll Please*........ THE STAIRS.

A while back my sister-in-law Marleen presented me with a project and asked for my help: she had been looking at images of decorated stairs on Pinterest and wanted to know if I could paint her stair risers to look like the covers of her favourite books.


You damn betcha I could.  I like books.  I like painting.  And I even like stairs, now that I think about them.  This project was right up my alley.

Well it took a while (sorry Marn!) but it's finally done.  She sent me these pics yesterday of the boards all installed and pretty-looking.

I know it's hard to see the top ones but they are:

 - Gone With the Wind
 - Charlotte's Web
 - Outlander
 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
 - Dracula

This was one of the most fun projects I've ever done and I love that they loved it enough to permanently install it in their home.  Biggest compliment EVER.

Now... back to work.

Love Shelley!

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I would love to hear what you think...